You’ve found my “super secret” demo page! This is where I test the reusable components found throughout the site. Feel free to play around!
Btw, you can find the source code for this site here.
There aren’t many icons in use on this site, but the ones that are present are entirely custom.
A custom <Text> component is used throughout the site. At a basic level, it provides a background color to ensure legibility against the site background.
But the wrapper can also be used for special effects such as emphasis and accented backgrounds.
Buttons and Links
All navigation links on the site use a custom <Link> component. This component has no default styling, and hooks into a global navigate() function to enable transitions.
The cursor on my site is custom-built with p5.js.
Try hovering over this text, or perhaps this link!
Project case study pages are written using Markdown and rendered with MDX. They have their own custom components and layouts that differ from other pages. To test those pages, a test project was created that is only accessible by direct link. If you’re interested, you can check out the test project.
Circle text
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed congue est luctus.
Page Loader
Watching things load is boring. Watching a logo bounce around the screen is not.
3D Model Viewer
Dithered model with heavy mouse influence and no static rotation
Clean model with static rotation and subtle mouse influence
This big blank area helps me test the background effects. Try moving your cursor (or finger) around on the screen and clicking (or tapping).